Friday 20 July 2007

Pattern for first sock pattern by 'me' going to be delayed folks

Started on the second sock of my first design.. and started to write down and chart the pattern.... suddenly it dawned on me that I was making things very complicated for myself... moving stitches amongst other things. and it just didn't flow right.
Out comes my spare dpns and some spare yarn.. and I worked out by altering the way I did the decreases and yo's for the lace panels... how so much better it looked.... the little lace butterflies seemed to be more centred in the stocking stitch squares. It just looked looooads better!!!!.. and better than that the pattern flowed better. I'm just a lot mad with myself that I waited unitl the second sock to work that out!!
Catherine who's 10 seems to love them.. and they fit her... so I will make her a present of them :-)

I will still post a piccy when they are finished , but it will be more for learn by your mistakes Fairy.
But the good news is I'm going to redo the socks in the modified pattern then post it.... so its still coming... it's just delayed.

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